i find it interesting how many words in our language have several meanings, or connotations. these connotations, whether negative or positive, whether intentional or unintentional, sure do say a lot about the world we live in, or at least the world we used to live in. here is a list of definitions from dictionary.com
1.an unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim; pagan.
2.an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
1.lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it.
2.characterized by absence of light; enveloped in darkness: a black night.
3.(sometimes initial capital letter)
a.pertaining or belonging to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia.
4.soiled or stained with dirt: That shirt was black within an hour.
5.gloomy; pessimistic; dismal: a black outlook.
6.deliberately; harmful; inexcusable: a black lie.
7.boding ill; sullen or hostile; threatening: black words; black looks.
8.(of coffee or tea) without milk or cream.
9.without any moral quality or goodness; evil; wicked: His black heart has concocted yet another black deed.
10.indicating censure, disgrace, or liability to punishment: a black mark on one's record.
11.marked by disaster or misfortune: black areas of drought; Black Friday.
12.wearing black or dark clothing or armor: the black prince.
13.based on the grotesque, morbid, or unpleasant aspects of life: black comedy; black humor.
14.(of a check mark, flag, etc.) done or written in black to indicate, as on a list, that which is undesirable, sub-standard, potentially dangerous, etc.: Pilots put a black flag next to the ten most dangerous airports.
15.illegal or underground: The black economy pays no taxes.
16.showing a profit; not showing any losses: the first black quarter in two years.
17.deliberately false or intentionally misleading: black propaganda.
18.British. boycotted, as certain goods or products by a trade union.
19.(of steel) in the form in which it comes from the rolling mill or forge; unfinished.
1.of the color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc.; reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light.
2.light or comparatively light in color.
3.(of human beings) marked by slight pigmentation of the skin, as of many Caucasoids.
4.for, limited to, or predominantly made up of persons whose racial heritage is Caucasian: a white club; a white neighborhood.
5.pallid or pale, as from fear or other strong emotion: white with rage.
6.silvery, gray, or hoary: white hair.
7.snowy: a white Christmas.
8.lacking color; transparent.
9.(politically) ultraconservative.
10.blank, as an unoccupied space in printed matter: Fill in the white space below.
11.Armor. composed entirely of polished steel plates without fabric or other covering; alwite.
12.wearing white clothing: a white monk.
13.Slang. decent, honorable, or dependable: That's very white of you.
14.auspicious or fortunate.
15.morally pure; innocent.
16.without malice; harmless: white magic.
17.(of wines) light-colored or yellowish, as opposed to red.
18.British. (of coffee) containing milk